Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's literally the last chance to catch to the. This Friday, March 28, buses will be leaving from all over Québec to converge on the Capital Québec City. it's all to demonstrate opposition to Canada's war in Afghanistan and to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the anti-conscription riots of 1918. Here are the details...
Canada, Quebec: Resistance to war, past and present
All the relevant information on the March 28th anti-militarist demonstration, including about the buses leaving from Montreal and Sherbrooke.
--Anti-militarist demonstration in Quebec City Friday, March 28th
Rally at 5PM In front of the Gabrielle-Roy Library
To get a place on the bus leaving Montreal at noon, write to
To get a place on the bus leaving Sherbrooke at 1:30 PM, write to
or call 819-346-1874
---- Call for an anti-militarist demonstration Resistance to war, past and present ----
90 years ago, Canada was engaged in an imperialist war in Europe. With the flow of volunteers drying up, authorities turned to conscription to continue to provide their share of cannon fodder. It was January 1, 1918. Opposition to conscription was virulent in Quebec and the army was reduced to chasing draft-dodgers in the cities, resulting in numerous incidents.
Quebec city was at the time witnessing a genuine popular revolt against conscription. From 28 March to1 April 1918, crowds of several thousand people confronted the military, bare-handed, in the streets of the city core. Five days of riots ensued, during which a police station was put under siege, militarist newspapers were attacked, and an army office burned down. Five days that ended in a bloodbath in the working class neighborhood of Saint-Sauveur when the army charged the crowd, causing 35 injuries and 4deaths.
Today, 90 years later, Canada is once again at war.The reasons are no different, it is once again an imperialist war waged in the name of democracy and freedom. But, then as now, people are not fooled. There may be no conscription but it is in our name,and with our money, that Canada is at war. Despite the incessant propaganda, a majority of Quebec's population opposes the war.This popular opposition needs to have a voice! That is why we will march on March 28th, to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the riots against conscription and to express our opposition to the war in Afghanistan
An initiative of NEFAC* (
This call is supported by:
Collectif Piranhas (
Gauche socialiste (
Quebec Solidaire Taschereau riding association(
Regroupement autonome des jeunes (RAJ)PCR Quebec-city branch (
Block the Empire-Montreal(
Association des Étudiantes et des Étudiants enHistoire (
Convergence l'Autre 400ePCQ-Québec (
To endorse this call and participate in the mobilization, send an email to Nouveau: Le blogue de La NUIT
Collectif anarchiste La Nuit (NEFAC-Québec)
a/s Groupe Émile-HenryC.P. 55051, 138 St-Vallier Ouest
Québec (Qc), G1K 1J0

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